Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Consolidating Shops

I've been trying to split my efforts between my two blogs lately--this one where I typically share far too many details about our personal life and the blog on my professional Web site where until now I've posted primarily about work. But, I've realized that splitting my efforts has only led to sporadic posts on both sites!

So, in an effort to give one blog my full attention, I've decided to close up shop here. I'll start posting more about our family life at my Web site blog, www.mindylong.com/blog. I'm planning to focus that site on writing, reading and living (living will incorporate all those family posts that up until now have been missing from the site). I'm hoping to add some search features that will let you easily sort which posts you want to look at--you know, just in case you aren't interested in reading about running an at-home business. Hopefully it will all come together!

If you will--please follow me over to www.mindylong.com/blog, update your blogrolls and if you haven't added me to your blogroll yet, please do! In return, I'm going to do my best to resume my daily posting!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ideas Please!

I want to do something special for Evan on the day he becomes a big brother. I already have his big brother shirt and I plan to get him a present from his new sister. I'd love to hear other ideas on fun things we can do to make him feel the day is just as special for him as it is for us.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Nine Weeks Left

I had another ultrasound today and all is going well with this little one. Today when I saw "31 weeks and 1 day" on the computer screen, I realized that this special time with my little girl is almost over. Pretty soon I'll actually get to see her little legs instead of just feeling them.

Getting pregnant with Evan was easy for me, so I think I took the whole experience for granted. This time I appreciate it more and have tried to remember how lucky I am to get to have the experience again.

I love feeling the baby tickle my right hipbone, where she seems to like to snuggle up. Her little face was hiding behind it today, so I couldn't get a good look at her profile. I like when she lets out a sudden kick that makes a thump I can feel on the inside and see from the outside. I love when Evan leans in close to my stomach and talks to the baby and how he asks to snuggle with her from time to time. He loves to kiss her and tickle my belly, then he'll ask me what she is saying. When I give him an answer he'll usually counter with, "But I thought babies can't talk." Whenever he sees something pink he'll tell me he wants to buy it for his sister. When getting him dressed a few weeks ago he told me he was going to buy her pink underwear. He is going to teach her how to jump, how to sign and promises to "swipe" all the sweets from her because babies can't have special treats. I hope he is as interested in and curious about her once she is actually here.

As I savor the last few months of pregnancy, I am also trying to savor my last few months of having one-on-one time with my little guy. I'm sure I've taken for granted how quickly and easily Evan and I can hop in the car and go to the zoo or go to the playground. I'm going to try to spend some time making memories with Evan while it is still just us.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I'm a Soccer Mom

As of today I am officially a soccer mom. The first soccer practice was a little chaotic and a little disorganized, but a lot of fun! I think someone needs to tell the coach that the bulk of the three year olds in the class don't really know the difference between left and right and they need some explanations of terms like "dribble" and "pass." But I'm sure we'll get there eventually.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Patience, Patience, Patience

There are days when I feel like I could have a lot more patience and be a much better person if I weren't so darn tired. Here's hoping for a good night's sleep!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Breakfast at the Fire Station

I've been spending a lot more time reading blogs lately than writing on my own! I was just checking out some friends' sites to see if there was anything new when I realized how long it had been since I posted!

So much has been going on lately, but most of the pictures from the exciting things (like Evan's birthday party) have yet to be downloaded from my camera. But, I have downloaded some pictures from our breakfast at the fire station. Evan wore his fireman suit jacket (the pants are getting a little too little) and spent the morning pretending he was the fireman.

Here I am. Check out that belly. It is growing by the minute!

After we got home, Evan gave us all a lesson in fire safety.

In case you need subtitles, it starts like this, "When your house is caught on fire, you’re supposed to cheer really loud and talk really loud so we can hear you." We all took turns practicing how we would yell if we were ever trapped in a fire and Evan rescued us. It was a successful mission.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Back to the Crib

Any suggestions on how to handle a little one who has suddenly decided he'd like to sleep in his crib again after two months in a big-kid bed??? Evan has come up with every excuse under the sun why he no longer wants to sleep in his bed in his new room (we moved him into a new room with new furniture and left the baby furniture in Evan's old room). "I hear noises. I need more air. The face on the black cat stuffed animal scares me." I've heard it all in the past few days. Evan's ultimate solution to everything is just to sleep in his old room in his crib. Any ideas???