Sunday, February 8, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Mother Nature gave me a little pat on the back today, giving us temperatures in the 60s. It was the perfect little shot in the arm to reassure me I can make it through five more weeks of winter, assuming Mr. Groundhog was on track with his predictions.

We took the opportunity to do some much needed yard work, which means Evan got to put on his work gloves his Mimi got him a year ago. We spent hours working and Evan's tool of choice was a stick he'd picked up.

We ended up with four garbage cans full of leaves, weeds and sticks that had fallen off our trees all winter. The amazing thing is that under all those weeds, there were tiny little spouts from my bulbs that are as eager for spring to get here as I am. I can't thank those little plants enough for their mercy--I kill most things in our yard, but I seem to do bulbs well. In a fit of pregnancy-induced craziness, I planted over 200 bulbs in the fall of 2006 so Evan would come home to a yard in full bloom. He didn't really seem to care all that much...I probably should have spent more time reading child rearing books than planting, but now it means spring is the yard's time to shine...the one season when it actually looks fairly nice. So, if you're planning to come and visit us, March through May are your best bet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute picture of Evan, he is getting so big! I hope I get to see him (and you) soon.