Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Writer's Block

I feel like I haven't had very creative blog entries lately and I'm not quite sure why. Maybe it is because Evan is totally wearing me out during the day (in a good way!). Or maybe it is because the second he is down for a nap or out of the house with Bryan I spend every minute writing the stories I'm getting paid to write. Which, is a good thing because it means this freelancing thing is working for me.

It is only my third week as a freelancer, but I've met several deadlines already, submitted two invoices and wrote a guest blog for a company called Magnificent Publications. It was a fun piece to do, and Bryan helped me out by taking my picture that ran with it. You can read it at I always love seeing my byline somewhere new.

I also entered a writing contest, which I don't think I've ever done. Real Simple was holding an essay contest for their Life Lessons section. While I'm sure I won't actually win, it did feel good to know I had written a piece and sent it in (a special thanks to Sandy and Ali who were nice enough to read it over for me).

I always remind myself: "What is the difference between a published writer and an unpublished writer? Persistence." And, Stephen King in his book says that at least rejection letters mean you're working. So, I'll keep writing away for the clients I already have and keep trying to add more.

Everything else is going well, but I need to figure out how to get Evan to sleep past 5:30 so I won't feel so darn tired!

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