Friday, August 29, 2008

My Very Own Cake Wreck

Last night, Bryan brought home a Baskin Robbins cake to celebrate the launch of my full-time freelance career. He was shaking his head as he brought it to the table. But I couldn't help but laugh and think, "Oh my gosh! My very own cake wreck!" (If you haven't seen the Cake Wrecks blog, you definitely should check it out).

The squiggly line before 'good', the crooked writing, the off-centered is a perfect cake wreck. Not to mention the fingernail indent by the 'd' in 'Adventure.' Yep. We paid for it--$29.99 plus tax. And worth every penny.


Becca said...

You should totally submit that to the site. We love to go to that site, you got us addicted.

Anonymous said...

Now that is funny. I just looked at that blog for the first time yesterday.

TheWallinFamily said...

That is so funny!